Join the Majority in Voting Union Yes!

Union graphic

We’re Voting Union YES:

Kelly Bell-Brown

Vianey Betancourt

Lia Bocchiaro

Lindsy Buckland

Daniel M Burns

Elizabeth Burns

Safiya Cathey

Xian Chiang-Waren

Bill Deluca

Jean-Marie Enjuto Quilez

Christina Farber

Shilo Felton

Eliana Fenyes

Marina Fisher-Phelps

Kranz Fontanilla

Luke Franke

Sarah Friedman

River Gates

Nicolas Gonzalez

Alan Gottlieb

Rachel Guillory

Shannon Guthrie

Gregoriah Hartman

Grant Hayes

Hanna Hentze

Jason Howe

Tykee James

Mikko Jimenez

Victoria Johnston

Joey Kahn

Avak Kahramanian

Lander Karath

Kimberly Keller

Erika Knight

Eva Lark

Lani Le

Rodrick Leary

Chandler Lennon

Christine Lin

Dennis Lloyd

Margarita Luque

Victoria Lyons

Max Malmquist

Hannah Maratea

David Marchese

Libby Marking

Chris Martel

Andy McGlashen

Gabrielle McPhaul-Guerrier

Erin Meade

Terry Mingle

Julia Morton

Amanda Mourant

Nelida Mulero

Elizabeth Munoz Huber

Patricia Nagle

Alison Niescier

Alisa Opar

Estefania Palacio

Marlene Pantin

Felicia Pardo

Shyamlee Patel

Marisa Rader

Shabab Rahman

Jack Ren

Rosa Rivera

Julie Rossman

Charlotte Runzel

Sarah Saunders

Erik Schneider

Hanako Shigenobu

Chaney Sims

Jeremiah Steen

Brian Tavernia

Bethany Taylor

Gregory Taylor

Lotem Taylor

Amy Tibbs

Alex Tomlinson

Marisa Vertrees

Caitlin Wall

Hannah Waters

Hadassah Williams

Chad Witko

Tiffany Witmer

Maddox Wolfe

Joanna Wu

Nick Yacullo

Sophia Zar

Ballots are being mailed out on July 23! You should receive your ballot by July 28. If you haven’t received it by July 28, you should call for a replacement ballot. You can call the National Labor Relations Board Region 2 (Phone: 212-264-0300) no later than 5:00 p.m. on July 30, 2021 in order to arrange for another mail ballot kit to be sent to you. You must mail your ballot in so that it is received at the National Labor Relations Board by August 18th. If you have questions, call CWA Organizer, Leslie Fine at 917-593-7264.

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